3 Essential Steps to Strengthen SaaS Security

3 Essential Steps to Strengthen SaaS Security

October 16, 2023 at 03:07AM

Summary: SaaS applications have become essential in the business world, but their security is crucial. This article outlines three key steps for implementing SaaS security: discovering SaaS usage within the organization, performing risk assessments on each application, and managing user permissions effectively. These steps are necessary for maintaining a secure SaaS environment and managing third-party risks. By prioritizing security, organizations can fully embrace the benefits of SaaS while protecting sensitive data.

The meeting notes discuss the importance of SaaS security in today’s business world and provide three essential steps that organizations can take to enhance their SaaS security:

Step 1: Discover Your SaaS Usage
– Many organizations face a shadow-IT problem, where employees use SaaS applications without IT or security teams’ knowledge.
– To secure the SaaS environment, organizations need to have full visibility into every employee’s SaaS usage.

Step 2: Perform Risk Assessments on Each SaaS Application
– Not all SaaS applications have the same level of security and privacy.
– It is crucial to evaluate the security risks associated with each application, considering factors such as the vendor’s compliance, size, location, and marketplace presence.

Step 3: Ensure Users Have Only Necessary Permissions and Roles
– Excessive user permissions can lead to security breaches.
– Organizations should follow the least-privilege principle and regularly review and update user permissions and roles.

These three steps are considered essential for SaaS security and align with major compliance standards like ISO 27001 and SOC 2. By implementing these principles, organizations can enhance their SaaS security without compromising the benefits of SaaS applications. Continuous monitoring and adaptation are also emphasized to stay ahead of evolving threats in the SaaS landscape.

The author of the article, Galit Lubetzky Sharon, is a retired colonel from the Israeli military and has extensive experience in cyber-related roles. She played a vital role in developing the IDF’s cyber capabilities and has received numerous accolades for her achievements.

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