Malawi Passport System Back Online After Debilitating Cyberattack

March 14, 2024 at 11:47AM Passport printing and distribution will first resume in Lilongwe as the immigration system regains functionality. From the meeting notes: Passport printing and distribution will resume first in Lilongwe as the immigration system gets back on its feet. Full Article

PentestPad: Platform for Pentest Teams

October 31, 2023 at 08:18AM PentestPad is a platform that helps pentest teams collaborate and work more efficiently. It offers automated report generation, real-time collaboration, integrations with leading tools, and client engagement features. The platform also provides powerful project management tools, activity logging to detect pen test activities, performance monitoring, and reporting capabilities. PentestPad is … Read more

3 Essential Steps to Strengthen SaaS Security

October 16, 2023 at 03:07AM Summary: SaaS applications have become essential in the business world, but their security is crucial. This article outlines three key steps for implementing SaaS security: discovering SaaS usage within the organization, performing risk assessments on each application, and managing user permissions effectively. These steps are necessary for maintaining a secure … Read more